The Reason I Boycott the meGa-G Search-engine ‘Tech’ Company

What we were doing was very high-tech: we would communicate (“email”) by password-protected attachments. We shared the single password and, if I remember correctly, it was a “zipped” file, a compressed file. We did NOT use encryption/decryption software.
We were not doing anything illegal, not plotting to overthrow any governments: we simply wanted privacy. We needed to talk about our dogs. She had to “put down” the one she loved more than anything. Mine was in her last year and I knew it. This dog was hers before we split. I had raised the dog from an 8-week-old puppy. When we split, she gave me the dog and, I know now, it was partly for not wanting two dogs while doing her doctoral work in bleeping Philosophy, of all things. As a matter of fact, I kept the two dogs when she first moved to the university campus, mid-west. After a while, she took the chow/spitz dog and I kept Schera, the Malamute.
When I took my dog to her vet for that last visit, the sole purpose being to kill her by an act performed by another person, I returned home, told the woman who was her first owner—by Gmail—that it had been done. I don’t recall whether it was done by the password-protected email attachment method but, a few days later, I was using my Gmail account and noticed at the advertisement section of the screen an advertisement for dog food. Seeing that left such a bad taste in my mouth that I decided to boycott the Gew-gul company entirely, something that I couldn’t do later when at a job requiring one. What I did do completely is NEVER use their search engine. I used !Yahoo for a long time and, recently, switched to DuckDuckgo. When people tell me to “Ghew-Gul” something, I don a cold stare and might bare my teeth and say, “I don’t do that,” or
As you can see, I won’t type the name of the company. Gew-gul, gooo-Gl

About scherado

Still about 41.x degrees North Latitude
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